Work Smarter and Not Harder using the Seven Silos

BBB Techs was honored to be a part of the AIM/R On Tap webinar on April 20, 2023 with Stephen Turner of Turner Time Management. With over 70 manufacturer representatives present, the Seven Silos were discussed in addition to Power BI.

Attendees learned how to work more effectively in Outlook/Microsoft 365 or Gmail/Google Workspace, plus your CRM.  These are powerful tools that you can use to further increase your business IF you know how!  This session helped attendees understand how to add hours back into the work week; whether utilizing a computer, smartphone, or tablet.  Stephen Turner brings over seventeen years of real-world experience, working with hundreds of independent sales agencies and manufacturers.  Stephen Turner explained the most efficient ways to process/organize email, your calendar, and how to use the Seven “Silos” for greater productivity. Tim Blake (CEO of BBB Techs) introduced how Power BI can supercharge your sales focus and results.

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